Examine your air today!
The Examinair® was developed as an economical means to assist in the identification of potentially allergenic
or pathogenic particles in the air you are breathing.
Scientifically tested & approved: TEST WITH CONFIDENCE
The sampling cassette was developed for the sampling and collection of aeroallergens and bio aerosols for quantitative analysis of mold spores, pollen, skin fragments, insects, combustion particles, toners, environmental dusts, construction dusts and other airborne particulates. The cassette employs a patented laminar flow venturi which provides higher readable collection efficiency as well as a more well defined impaction trace, helping to reduce analysis time.
Testing with the Examinair®
(Complete operating instructions included with kit)
You can now easily test your home or office for mold and other airborne allergens using the ExaminAir® Home Mold Test Kit.
The Kit comes complete with:
• Pump
• 4 air sampling cassettes
• Detailed documentation and instructions
• Pre-paid shipping box
• All lab fees are included with your purchase